
This is the first item's accordion body. Animeria best computer course and cyber security

This is the first item's accordion body. Animeria best computer course and cyber security

This is the first item's accordion body. Animeria best computer course and cyber security

This is the first item's accordion body. Animeria best computer course and cyber security

This is the first item's accordion body. Animeria best computer course and cyber security

This is the first item's accordion body. Animeria best computer course and cyber security
Animeria best computer course and cyber security
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Student Policy

  • Students are required to observe decorum while attending the course.
  • All the rules pertaining to use of Lab & Center infrastructure should be observed.
  • The academic or course material provided by the Center is for the exclusive use of the student only and the same should not be transferred, assigned or sold to any other person.
  • Students violating this rule are liable for action under the copyright law or any other law presently enforced at that time.
  • Center management shall fix a schedule for lectures and arrange practical’s the way it considers best and would expect the students to adhere to this schedule. Management reserves the rights to reschedule, postponement of lectures or laboratory sessions as needed.
  • While the management shall endeavor to maintain a high standard of training it shall not be questioned with regard to the quality of teaching or training imparted.
  • Center will not be responsible for the loss or damage of any personal student belongings in or outside the Institute premises.
Student Attendance
  • Student should not be late by more than 10 minutes for the class.
  • If a student has to be absent for any reason, He/She has to take prior approval by writing a mail to info@animeriadelhi.com
  • Students are expected to attend the lectures and practical sessions regularly.
  • Any student taking a break/leave can do so with prior permission of the center manager and will provide a commitment, in writing, as to when he/she would rejoin the course.
  • In any of the above cases the student will have to make up the portion covered during the leave period by self-study. An appointment with the faculty member can be made depending on the faculty availability.
  • Student would be given the opportunity to take missed practical sessions by booking extra time in the computer lab depending on its availability.
  • In case the student takes a break of more than 2 months Without any information, the student will have to take readmission by paying the readmission fee of Rs 5000/- + 18% GST per course.
Computer Laboratory
  • Students shall come to the computer laboratory at the time allotted/booked for them. Students are required to observe all rules and regulations in the Computer Lab.
  • Any student arriving more than 10 minutes late shall lose his/her entitlement to computer time.
  • The management may give extra time depending on lab availability on first come first served basis.
  • Student must avail the regular computer time allotted to them.
  • Extra time maybe granted to a student for reinforcement of course contents, provided he/she has fully availed the regular time allotted to him/her. But depending on the availability.
  • If a student is unable to avail the allotted computer time for a genuine reason, he/she should inform the Center Head by submitting an application at least one week in advance.
Exam Re-Attempt
  • A student is allowed only 2 free attempts to clear an exam or improve their marks.
  • Student needs a minimum of 40% marks to pass the exam.
  • The management may give extra time depending on lab availability on first come first served basis.
  • If you have been scheduled for an exam but fail to appear on exam day, you shall be deemed to have sat for and failed.
  • There is no resit fee for 1st reattempt after failure in exam.
  • An examination is considered to be ample if it counts for 40 percent or more of the total marks, no resit is allowed in this case.
  • After two free attempts, if any student still want to give another attempt it will charge Rs 500/- per Subject
  • Minimum time for the arrival of Performance Statement for any semester is 45 working days, in case of final Certificate it is 40 days after the issuance of last Performance Statement
  • Center has the right to suspend exam if students fee is not up to date as per invoice.
  • In case a course extending over two semesters, when the subject matter is continuous, the second-semester final examination may include the subject matter of the first semester.
  • Students should not assume that movement from one semester to the higher semester is automatic. This is subject to passing the previous semester examination.
Fee Policy
  • Fee is due on the 10th of each month.
  • The Tuition Fee will be paid on monthly basis.
  • A late fee of Rs 50/- will be charged per day.
  • Any fee once paid is not refundable or transferable to another course or student.
  • Charges, fee & penalty may occur on violation of code of conduct and any other SOP as notified or implemented by the center.
  • Students who do not pay their fees regularly on time may be asked to leave the course by the management.
  • In case the student seeks readmission he/she has to pay the readmission fees.
Name Correction & Change Policy
  • Name changes can be processed for currently enrolled/active students only.
  • For minor name change e.g. obvious spelling issues, a student can provide CNIC, B-Form or Metric/Inter certificate.
  • For major name changer e.g. change of first or last name, a legal document appropriate to name change reason, would be required e.g. court order, marriage certificate etc.
  • A student can opt for name change or correction only once and write a mail with attached scanned documents on info@animeriadelhi.com

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At Animeria, we take education to the next level with our dynamic approach to learning. Our courses offer a unique opportunity for students to engage in live industrial training sessions right alongside their coursework. This means you'll gain hands-on experience and real-world exposure, bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. Our industry experts and trainers guide you through actual industry scenarios, equipping you with skills that are directly relevant to the professional world. Prepare to step confidently into your career, armed with the practical know-how that sets you apart.


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If you join Animeria Diploma Courses, you'll receive a free certification course with each diploma course. You’ll be given several options to choose from, and you can join any of these courses for free and receive a provisional certificate for the skills you acquire.Please note that the free certification course is only available when you enroll in a diploma course at Animeria. You can select any certification course worth up to Rs 5000/- for free. This offer is valid at all our branches and available both online and offline. Join Animeria today and enhance your skills with our complimentary certification courses!


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